
Change your situation by changing your words

Do you talk in ambiguous general terms? Are your words stiff and without passion? Refrain from doing so because it will emanate in your actions. Your words will direct your life

There is nothing more that could change your situation than the power of your words. The quality of your thoughts and how you say it will impact your action. Mediocre talks results into a mediocre life, excellent words help make up an excellent life. So if you wish to be successful, start talking about success and never of defeat. It is the character of a man that sums up his being, and character is formed out of the thoughts that are harboured in the deep recesses of the mind. The thoughts you have will sooner or later become your habit and then out of habit will be the formation of your character. So if your thoughts are positive then apparently the words you speak are full of encouragement, of hope and possibilities. Your life is a mirror of your own mind. Before you can change your acts for the better, first purify your mind and your actions will automatically follow. Any task becomes possible when you say it is possible. Health and riches will be within your grasp if your words and your thoughts positively accommodate them. If your mind dwells on positive things, then positive things will happen to you; this is how life works, this is the law that governs it. Your body is only a servant of the inherent powers of your mind. If you say you are healthy, then indeed you are healthy; this may not necessarily be seen in the outward circumstance, but given enough time your actions will automatically be consistent to your thoughts and words.

Change your circumstances; start changing the context of the words you allow to come out of your mouth. Say:

Vibrant rather than ok

  • Excellent rather than fine
  • Superb rather than good

You could always transcend from being mediocre to being utterly successful by saying the words exactly the way you want it to happen.  This is the secret of some of the great men of history. They know how to declare words of power. You might find it helpful to learn some of the words that need changing:

Do not say “success will come someday”, rather, say “success follows me”. Declare it no matter the situation. Success is just a matter of consciousness and powerful declaration.

  • Say “I’m strong now, I’ll pursue my dreams”, instead of “when I’m strong, I’ll pursue my dreams”. These are entirely two different statements. The first one is a precedent of success. It is the statement of recognizing your inner strength right now and to be able to put it to use to run after the deepest aspirations.
  • Most people say “if you do this or go there, you will be successful”, but that is not necessarily true, in fact you change the statement to “wherever I am and whatever I do, I’ll be successful”.

Your life is defined by your inmost thoughts. Choose therefore your mindset and the words you speak, sooner or later you will start changing to become a better you.

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